
Bienvenu(e) à SSCS 2022 

Cement is the main constituent of concrete, the building material most widely used today and which will continue to be in the years to come. Its production generates CO2 emissions. It is, thus, of primary importance to optimize the utilization of cement in concrete constructions while checking that these constructions have a lifespan compatible with the stakes of sustainable development. It is essential to take up the challenge and use adapted quantification tools, making it possible to rigorously and reliably justify the adopted strategic and technical choices.

Numerical methods (finite elements, finite volumes, finite differences) constitute a relevant response to this challenge. They make it possible to optimize concrete constructions because they can consider complexities linked to the rheological, physicochemical, mechanical properties of concrete, the geometry of structures or even environmental boundary conditions. This optimization must also respect constraints of time, money, safety, energy, CO2 emissions, and, more generally, life cycle, in a way more reliable than the codes and analytical approaches currently used.

After Aix-en-Provence (France, 2012), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2015) and Lecco (Italy, 2019), the next RILEM international Conference

Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS 2022)

will take place in the city of Marseille (France):


From July 4 to July 6, 2022.

 Pierre ROSSI
Jean-Louis TAILHAN

More information ? Click here.


Non exhaustive list of the conference topics

I. Numerical Models

Concretes Mix Design
Flowing and Casting

Early age behaviours
Drying, Shrinkages and Creeps
Cracking behaviours (static, fatigue, dynamic)
Chemical aging (chemical reactions and transfers)
Coupling Problems

II. Structural applications

Nuclear structures and storages
Roads and Railways
Hydroelectrical power plants
Others applications


SSCS 2022, a conference under the auspices of:

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